Look up any industry to understand what it is based on and how to draw the AOIs for the most accurate benchmark comparison.
Any FMCG industry
FMCG, or fast-moving consumer goods, are usually defined as products that sell quickly and have a short shelf life because either because of high demand or perishability.
This overall FMCG industry category includes the entire benchmark dataset of FMCG assets to provide overall benchmark ranges for the Neurons AI metrics in advertising and websites for packaged and consumer goods.
We recommend comparing your predicted performance against the specific industries of your creative such as food & beverage, personal care & beauty, household products, and fashion & accessories, but this overall category can also be used to compare against the average performance of any FMCG asset.
Food & Beverage
The benchmark for this industry includes a wide array of consumable products:
This industry does not include fast-food restaurants, as these are categorized under the Services industry.
Personal care & Beauty
To accurately represent the diverse needs of the personal care and beauty industry, this benchmark includes a wide range of product types:
Household products
This industry extends beyond traditional consumer goods and offers a nuanced benchmark for household products by including the following products:
Fashion & Accessories
The benchmark for this industry encompasses the state of the art of creatives within the dynamic world of fashion and includes:
Durable goods
Any durable goods industry
Durable goods are products with a longer lifespan, and therefore long periods between successive purchases.
This overall durable goods industry includes the dataset from both automotive and consumer electronics, as well as other verticals such as furniture and home improvement products like decoration, lighting, and home appliances.
We recommend comparing your predicted performance against the specific industries of your creative, but this overall category can also be used to compare against the average performance of any asset within the durable goods industry.
Entertainment Media
Any Entertainment media
Our benchmark for Entertainment media encompasses advertising and promotion for various forms of media, including films (not containing trailers), TV shows, music, live performances, literature, streaming services, art exhibitions, radio broadcasting and the specific sports and gaming-related campaigns. The category focuses on advertising and promotion of content, and not physical products as those can be found in other industry categories, e.g. Consumer Electronics.
Sports & Gaming
This industry benchmark represents advertising and assets from sports clubs to video games and betting sites, including:
Any Health industry
The Health industry focuses on maintaining and enhancing human well-being through a diverse range of products and services. It includes dietary supplements, nutritional products, fitness and wellness equipment, personal healthcare devices, and treatments for mental health and self-care. The industry includes the sub-category of Pharma which encompasses medications, therapies and devices, including over-the-counter and prescription drugs, vaccines, and specialized treatments for various medical conditions. This sector addresses marketing materias for both holistic health and specific medical issues.
The benchmark for Pharma reflects advertising, product packaging and websites for pharmaceuticals, therapies and medical devices which have specific regulatory requirements for marketing. The industry includes:
Any service industry
Services play a pivotal role in our daily lives, and the benchmarks within this industry offer a comprehensive guide for optimizing marketing content for both B2B and B2C businesses.
This overall services industry category encompasses assets from finance & insurance services, telecommunications & internet services and travel & hospitality services, as well as additional creatives for consulting, financial and software services.
We recommend comparing your predicted performance against the specific service industry matching your asset if available, but this overall category can also be used to compare against the average performance of the service category as a whole.
Finance & Insurance services
The industry benchmark for Finance & Insurance provides an indication for the creatives used in banking, insurance and other financial services, including:
Telecommunication & Internet services
This industry benchmark provides a wide touchstone for the current creatives of services within internet and telecommunication by including:
Travel & Hospitality services
This industry benchmark combines examples from key consumer-oriented services within travel and hospitality, such as:
Any industry
This benchmark includes assets from all the specific industries listed above, as well as additional assets from other industries such as health, well-being, entertainment, sports, and gaming.
It is always recommended to use the specific industry benchmarks matching your asset for the most specific comparison against your predicted performance, but this overall industry category can be used if your asset doesn't fit within any of the specific industries, or if you just want to compare against the performance across all industries.