Upload requirements for Neurons AI

Predict can analyze the major image, video, and document formats.

Supported file types

     Image file types .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .webp
     Video file types .mp4, .mkv, .avi, .mov, .webm
     Document file types .pdf

Image specifications

  Min. Max.
  Width 50px 5000px¹
  Height 50px 5000px¹
  File size - 20 MB

¹ Images with a width or height above 3000px will be downscaled to 3000px.

Video specifications

  Min. Max.
  Width 256px 5000px²
  Height 256px 5000px²
  Framerate 5 fps 121 fps³
  File size 1 MB 500 MB
  Duration 1s 420s (7 minutes)

² Videos with a width or height above 1024px will be downscaled to 1024px.
³ Videos will be converted to 24 fps.

Document specifications

  Min. Max.
  Amount of pages 1 page 1 page
  File size - 20 MB